WorkDive allows you to record time spent on activities by submitting your time through text messaging. Small business owners and independent consultants can use this system to track time spent on specific projects, on a daily basis.
Once you or your employees/consultants are assigned to an active project, you or they will receive a text message alert with instructions on entering time via text. Coming soon, there will be an option to enter time directly via the web application.
In order to stop receiving text messages from the application, you can text reply STOP. In order to start receiving text messages again, you can text reply START to that same number. If you need the number again, please email us If you have been receiving alerts, it is likely that your boss wants you to keep track of your time, judiciously!
The system collects upfront information on your employee's / contractor's rates and costs to you, so tracking revenue and profits is definitely part of the solution. Additionally, you can enter project-specific rates, should rates change from project to project, all tracked seamlessly.
Yes, projects, teams and entries can be downloaded from the solution in csv, excel or pdf. Additionally, you can copy the tables and export into whatever solution you'd like.